Road transportations of dangerous cargo are executed in accordance with the requirements of European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road, commonly known as ADR.
Each dangerous goods class in accordance with physical and chemical properties, types and degree of danger is divided into subclasses, categories and groups (in accordance with classification of ADR Agreement).

- Subclass 1.1. –
explosive an pyrotechnical substances and products with dangerous of explosion, when the explosion covers cargo;
- Subclass 1.2. –
explosive and pyrotechnical substances and products, that are not exploded with mass;
- Subclass 1.3. –
explosive and pyrotechnical substances and products, that have risk of fire with not sufficient explosive action or without it.
- Subclass 1.4. –
explosive and pyrotechnical substances and products, that are not sufficient dangerous of explosion during the transportation only in cases of initiation, that not disturbs any devices or package.
- Subclass 1.5. –explosive substances with dangerous of mass explosion, that are not sensible and while transportation initiation or shift to detonation are impossible.
- Subclass 1.6. –
products, that contain absolutely insensible to detonations substances, that are not exploded with mass and that are characterized with small probability of accidental initiation.
According to physical condition gases are divided into:

- Subclass 2.1. – non-
flammable gases
- Subclass 2.2. – non-
flammable toxic gases
- Subclass 2.3. –
highly inflammable gases
- Subclass 2.4. –
highly inflammable toxic gases
- Subclass 2.5. –
chemically unstable toxic gases
CLASS 3 – highly inflammable liquid, mixes of liquids and liquids, contained rough substances in it and suspension, that release highly inflammable vapours, that has the temperature of flash in close capsule 61 degrees and lower.

- Subclass 3.1. –
highly inflammable liquids with low temperature of liquid flash, that has the temperature of flash in close capsule lower than – 18 degrees, or that has the temperature of flash in aggregate with another dangerous features, except highly inflammable;
- Subclass 3.2. –
highly inflammable liquids with average temperature of liquid flash in close capsule ranging from – 18 to +23 degrees.
- Subclass 3.3. –
highly inflammable liquids with high temperature of flash- are liquids with temperature of flash ranging from 23 to 61 degrees, including in a close capsule.

- Subclass 4.1. –
highly inflammable rough substances, that can inflame because of external influence (such as spark, flame or friction) and actively burn.
- Subclass 4.2. –
self- ignitable substances, that in usual conditions of transportation can heat and inflame self- ignitable.
- Subclass 4.3. –
substances that in cooperation with water can emit inflammable gases.

- Subclass 5.1. –
oxidizing agents, that are not inflammable themselves, but promote the inflammination of other substances and emits oxygen while burning, that makes the flame more intensive.
- Subclass 5.2. –
organic peroxides, that in majority of cases are combustible, can act as oxidizing agents and dangerous in action with another substances. The majority of them are easily inflammable and sensitive to knocks and frictions
CLASS 6 – toxic and infectious substances, that can be the reason of death, poisoning or deceases that while coming inside of the organism or while contact with skin and mucous tunic.

- Subclass 6.1. –
toxic substances, that can be the reason of poisoning while breathing the vapours or dust, hitting inside or in contact with skin.
- Subclass 6.2. –
substances and materials, containing pathogenic bacteria, that are dangerous for people and animal.

CLASS 8 caustic and corrosive substances, that damage the skin, damaging of mucous membrane of eyes and breathing passages, metal corrosion and damages of vehicles, buildings or cargoes; also can be the reason of flame while interaction with organic materials and several chemical substances.

- Subclass 8.1. – acid;
- Subclass 8.2. –
- Subclass 8.3. –
different caustic and corrosion substance.
CLASS 9 substances with relative low level of dangerous while transportation, also substances, that are not referred to none of the previous classes, but that need special rules for transportation and storage.
- Subclass 9.1. –
rough and liquid burning substances and materials, that in compliance to their features are not referred to 3rd and 4th classes of dangerous, but in special conditions can be dangerous and inflammable (inflammable liquids with the temperature of flash ranging from +61 degrees to +100 degrees in clause capsule and other similar materials);
- Subclass 9.2. –
Substances those become caustic and corrosive under special condition.